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Globe Prowler Cruiser Longboard Vintage Black PakaloloGlobe Prowler Design Black/Yellow/Tailspin Komplett Longboard

Globe Prowler Cruiser Longboard White/Blue/Red
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Globe Prowler Cruiser Longboard White/Blue/Red

Globe Prowler Cruiser Longboard White/Blue/Red

Globe Prowler Cruiser Longboard White/Blue/Red Setup:

• Complete Board 38" x 10"
• DownHill Shredder
• Construction 9-Ply Hard Rock Maple
• Trucks 180mm Slant Inverted
• Wheels 69mm 83A
• ABEC 7 Speed Bearings
• No Kick Tail

Globe Prowler Cruiser Longboard White/Blue/Red Details:

Globe Boards are produced through our partnership with DWINDLE Distribution and our shared state of the art DSM Factory. This enables us to bring you the highest quality, price and steez ! DWINDLE Distribution Brands are : Cliché, Enjoi, Almost, Darkstar, Blind, Tensor, Dusters, Speed demons, Superior ...

Globe Prowler Cruiser Longboard White/Blue/Red, jetzt bei uns im Shop!

Preisvorschlag oder Frage zu diesem Produkt
Preis: €159.00
€129.95 (inkl. 19 % MwSt.)
Sie sparen: €29.05

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