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Randal R-2 180mm 50° - EarthquakeRandal R-2 180mm 50° - Schwarz

Randal R-2 180mm 50° - Rosa
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Randal R-2 180mm 50° - Rosa

Randal R-2 180mm 50°

  • For carving tight, quick turns while maintaining a stable geometry.
  • Maintain stability at higher speeds, through turns and while pushing.
  • 50º Base plates are designed for boards with longer wheel bases.
  • 42º Base plates are designed for downhill use.
  • Randal R•II geometry allows for adjusting caster angle by flipping the hanger.
  • Base plates and hangers interchangeable with the Randal System.
  • Virgin grade aluminum. Grade 8 'cast in' axle.
  • Hanger width is 180mm, axle width is 245mm.
  • Lightweight hanger design.
  • Grade 8 king pin.
  • Lifetime Guarantee.
  • Made in the USA.

Von jedem verkauften Paar dieser grandiosen Achse geht eine Spende an die Breast Cancer Foundation America.

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Preisvorschlag oder Frage zu diesem Produkt
Preis: €31.90 (inkl. 19 % MwSt.)




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