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Bustin Maestro Mini Monkey 34" Komplett LongboardBustin Rollen Boca 75mm 82a Wheels - Yellow

Bustin Rollen Boca 70mm 84a Wheels - Blue
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Bustin Rollen Boca 70mm 84a Wheels - Blue

Bustin Rollen Boca 70mm 84a Wheels - Blue

Bustin Boca Rollen 70mm Beschreibung:

70mm All-Around, Cruise, Carve, Slide Longboard Wheels
Bustin Boca 70mm 84a - We bumped up the durometer to the soft side of an 84a rating to give this longboard wheel a better balance of speed and control. This means that it flys and slides while maintaining reliable grip at any speed. Its wide, but not too wide giving the offset hub enough leverage to hold the road while giving you enough opportunity to throw it around as you please. The Bustin Blue's fest is coming to town.

Bustin Boca Rollen 70mm Merkmale:

  • Name: Boca
  • Color: Blue
  • Height: 70mm
  • Durometers: 84a
  • Contact Patch: 50mm
  • Offset Hub
  • Freeride Wheels
  • Slide Wheels

4 Stück Set

Preisvorschlag oder Frage zu diesem Produkt
Preis: €55.95 (inkl. 19 % MwSt.)




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